My Husbands Story     My POOR hubby was just miserable! It all started about 3 years ago, he always told me, "Something just isn...

My Husbands Story
My POOR hubby was just miserable! It all started about 3 years ago, he always told me, "Something just isn't right." He was constantly getting headaches (bad ones), his stomach was so bloated and it always felt horrible, he was always so TIRED (like Mono tired :/) and he had NO energy what-so-ever!

We searched and searched for a Doctor that wouldn't just sweep his symptoms under the carpet. We WANTED a Doctor to get to the ROOT of the problem! What a BLESSING it was for him to FIND Dr. Monika Buerger at Eagle Canyon Wellness. She is a beautifully spirited Doctor that ACTUALLY cares about your well-being! (Can you believe it?) ;)
She ran blood tests & come to find out....Cody was ALLERGIC to many foods! The foods he was ALLERGIC to, he was eating DAILY! Ahhhhhh, no wonder he was feeling so terrible! It was tough for him to STOP eating all the foods he really enjoyed. But it came down to this....his HEALTH was more important! If he would've continued eating the foods he was ALLERGIC to, he would've been in major trouble! Not to mention, paying for many doctor bills and/or hospital bills in the future! Cody also enjoys the benefits of Shakeology, it has been helpful for his stomach and health. So together we drink it DAILY to help improve our gut and keep us on the right path to health! :)

Cody competed in his 1st Triathlon put on by Michael Hays Personal Best Performance.  

Gluten was one of the major allergies that his body was allergic to. I knew that I was already allergic to Gluten, so we have eliminated Gluten as much as possible! I really think that taking away Gluten out of your diet, even though you are NOT allergic to it, will greatly benefit you. They just do not make wheat like they used to. It is horrible on our gut and in return, cause many symptoms that are not worth having.
Cody's symptoms have gone completely AWAY! They ONLY come back if he eats foods he is not supposed to! Isn't that fascinating? What we EAT truly makes a DIFFERENCE on how we FEEL!
After Cody eliminated those foods from his diet, he trained for a Spartan Race in Utah. He has done them before, but since his body was happier and ate better foods for his stomach, he actually did better in the 2nd one he competed in. He said he has never felt better!

Cody competing a Spartan Race & also helping our oldest, Kopelin run his 1st Spartan Race!


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